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Sample Chart of Accounts

Sample Chart of Accounts

A well-structured financial framework is essential for the success of any business. The Chart of Accounts (COA) acts as the cornerstone of this framework, offering a precise and comprehensive structure for documenting all financial activities. However, there is no unified chart of accounts. It varies from industry to industry, business to business. I have also created a chart of accounts template that covers the main categories. You can initially use this chart of accounts template for your business.

Sample Chart of Accounts Template

I have developed a sample chart of accounts template that provides a starting point with main categories and subcategories. Remember, you can customize this further based on your specific business needs.

1. Assets

1010 Cash and Cash Equivalents

1020 Accounts Receivable

1030 Inventory

1040 Prepaid Expenses

(Add other relevant current asset accounts)

1101 Land

1102 Buildings

1103 Equipment

1104 Furniture and Fixtures

1105 Vehicles

1106 Patents

1107 Trademarks

1201 Less: Accumulated Depreciation (for depreciable assets)

(Add other relevant non-current asset accounts)

2. Liabilities

2010 Accounts Payable

2020 Salaries and Wages Payable

2030 Income Taxes Payable

2040 Short-Term Loans Payable

(Add other relevant current liability accounts)

2101 Long-Term Loans Payable

2102 Mortgages Payable

(Add other relevant non-current liability accounts)

3. Equity

3010 Capital Stock (for corporations)

3020 Retained Earnings

3030 Dividends

3040 Owner’s Drawings (for sole proprietorships)

4. Revenue

4010 Sales Revenue

4020 Service Income

(Add other relevant revenue streams)

5. Expenses

5010 Direct Materials

5020 Direct Labor

5030 Manufacturing Overhead

5110 Advertising Expense

5120 Sales Commissions

(Add other relevant selling expenses)

5210 Rent Expense

5220 Office Supplies Expense

5230 Salaries and Wages Expense (indirect labor)

5240 Utilities Expense

(Add other relevant G&A expenses)

5310 Interest Expense

5320 Depreciation Expense

(Add other relevant non-operating expenses)

Bottom Line

By understanding the components of a COA and following the steps to create a customized template, you can enhance your business’s financial organization and decision-making capabilities. Read this article about How to Create, Categories for the Chart of Accounts.

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